
Casa Viva Costa Rica

We don’t just talk about a child’s need for family, we act on that belief.  Our living model connects real children into real families. We restore children to their own biological families. We push to see children adopted into permanent families. We engage local churches to act. We partner with the national government’s child welfare office. And our team of trained professionals brings all these relationships together, each and every day. btncvcrshiftingbtnconnetion

Child Solutions in Action

Read More Stories at the Casa Viva Costa Rica Blog

An Old Friend in a Grocery Store

by Philip Aspegren It was one of those experiences that touched me deeply, and as I recounted the story later to my wife, Jill, I had tears in my eyes. A Costa RIcan graphic designer called Casa Viva volunteering to … Continue reading

“Casa Viva changed my life forever…..”

by Jill Aspegren It was certainly a statement that made me stop in my tracks. We were at a Casa Viva event for the children and families of Casa Viva’s third center in Alajuela.  I was conversing with a young … Continue reading

Not a dry eye in the room…..

by Jill Aspegren Angela stood to speak to the Casa Viva women who had gathered for a luncheon, and a quiet hush settled over the room. Her fellow work team member from Wheaton Bible Church sat at her side to … Continue reading

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Casa Viva Mission
EducateEngage Equip Encourage

We will ENGAGE a response based in local churches and families.